1. Shenzhen Huajian Construction Group Co., Ltd, established in 1996 with the approval of Ministry of Construction and the registered capital of RMB 81.89 million, is mainly engaged in architectural design and construction with more than 800 staff. 2. With the development of 20 years, Huajian has extended business all over China, covering 13 sorts of field—construction decoration, civil engineering, curtain wall construction&frames, mechatronics(5A), Air purification&water treatment, industrial construction, LED system, Solar PV plant construction, 33kV substation construction, city heating system construction, chemical engineer, carbon emission trading and medical care construction. The annual turnover of the Group in 2015 was USD 1.3 billion.3. Huajian Group has obtained qualification for architectural decoration design, curtain wall design & intelligent building design, for architectural decoration & finishing, curtain wall construction, intelligent building construction & electromechanical equipment installation, as well as for fire-fighting equipment installation, steel structure construction. Meanwhile, it has also obtained qualification of purification , exhibition construction, greening of city, certificate of installing (class E certificate of maintaining/ class E certificate of testing) electric power facilities, and qualification for security我们在微信上24小时期待您的声音
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